Mean intrinsic tensile properties of stone groundwood fibers from softwood |
López, Joan Pere
; Méndez González, José Alberto
; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
1 juny 2018 |
Mean intrinsic tensile properties of stone groundwood fibers from softwood |
5 juny 2018 |
Mean intrinsic tensile properties of stone groundwood fibers from softwood |
López, Joan Pere
; Méndez González, José Alberto
; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
25 novembre 2022 |
Methodology for the experimental characterisation of mode I delamination under different loading rates |
Medina Escobar, Sergio Alonso
31 maig 2023 |
Microcracking of CFRP composites during cryogenic thermal cycling |
Edwards, Huw
2006 |
A Micromechanics-Based Damage Model for [± θ / 90n ]s Composite Laminates |
Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu
; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
; Maimà Vert, Pere
; Dávila, Carlos G.
A Micromechanics-Based Damage Model for [± θ / 90n ]s Composite Laminates |
Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu
; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
; Maimà Vert, Pere
; Dávila, Carlos G.
Micromechanics of Mechanical, Thermomechanical, and Chemi-Thermomechanical Pulp from Orange Tree Pruning as Polypropylene Reinforcement: A Comparative Study |
Reixach Corominas, Rafel
; Franco Marquès, Elena
; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine
; RamÃrez de Cartagena Bisbe, Francisco
; Arbat Pujolrà s, Gerard
; Espinach Orús, Xavier
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
Micromechanics of Mechanical, Thermomechanical, and Chemi-Thermomechanical Pulp from Orange Tree Pruning as Polypropylene Reinforcement: A Comparative Study |
Reixach Corominas, Rafel
; Franco Marquès, Elena
; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine
; RamÃrez de Cartagena Bisbe, Francisco
; Arbat Pujolrà s, Gerard
; Espinach Orús, Xavier
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
1 juny 2018 |
Micromechanics of Mechanical, Thermomechanical, and Chemi-Thermomechanical Pulp from Orange Tree Pruning as Polypropylene Reinforcement: A Comparative Study |
5 juny 2018 |
Micromechanics of Mechanical, Thermomechanical, and Chemi-Thermomechanical Pulp from Orange Tree Pruning as Polypropylene Reinforcement: A Comparative Study |
Reixach Corominas, Rafel
; Franco Marquès, Elena
; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine
; RamÃrez de Cartagena Bisbe, Francisco
; Arbat Pujolrà s, Gerard
; Espinach Orús, Xavier
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
2013 |
Micromechanics of Mechanical, Thermomechanical, and Chemi-Thermomechanical Pulp from Orange Tree Pruning as Polypropylene Reinforcement: A Comparative Study |
Reixach Corominas, Rafel
; Franco Marquès, Elena
; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine
; RamÃrez de Cartagena Bisbe, Francisco
; Arbat Pujolrà s, Gerard
; Espinach Orús, Xavier
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
1 setembre 2018 |
Millora de les propietats mecà niques d’un material compòsit d’impressió 3D |
Puig Hombrados, David
31 maig 2023 |
Mode decoupling in interlaminar fracture toughness tests on bimaterial specimens |
Mujika, Faustino
31 maig 2023 |
Mode decoupling in interlaminar fracture toughness tests on bimaterial specimens |
Mujika, Faustino
; Tsokanas, Panayiotis
; Arrese Arratibel, Ainhoa
; Silva, Lucas Filipe Martins da
31 maig 2023 |
Mode-I fracture toughness of thin CF/PA6 UD composites identified in a DCB test with stiffening al beams in the presence of debonding |
Simaafrookhteh, Sepehr
29 juliol 2002 |
Modificació de fibres de jute per l’elaboració de plà stics reforçats reciclables |
Corrales Barbe, Farners
Modificació de fibres de jute per l’elaboració de plà stics reforçats reciclables |
Corrales Barbe, Farners
31 maig 2023 |
Monitoring of water absorption and its effects on mechanical performance of thick GFRP structures by integrated smart sensors |
Gibhardt, Dennis
31 maig 2023 |
Multiple amplitude testing method for detection of local damage evolution in bast fiber-reinforced polymers |
Helwing, Ramon
Nominal strength of quasi-brittle open hole specimens under biaxial loading conditions |
Kabeel, Abdallah Mahmoud Bayoumi
; Maimà Vert, Pere
; Gascons i Clarió, NarcÃs
; González Juan, Emilio Vicente
18 octubre 2013 |
Nominal strength of quasi-brittle open hole specimens under biaxial loading conditions |
Kabeel, Abdallah Mahmoud Bayoumi
; Maimà Vert, Pere
; Gascons i Clarió, NarcÃs
; González Juan, Emilio Vicente
31 maig 2023 |
A novel benchmark test for composites under complex loading sequences resulting in non-self-similar damage evolution |
Renart Canalias, Jordi
31 maig 2023 |
Numerical approach for stiffener debonding prediction of aircraft composite structures |
Sola, Guy
31 maig 2023 |
Numerical and experimental study of notched composite plates under envelope loadings: envelope validation method |
Bouvet, Christophe